So. a video is out concerning a Mexican woman seeking approval to use "We Shall Overcome" as their rite of passage against deportations What say you, people of the strife, of the pains and struggles our forefathers passed down to us? Selah
My opinion is no, we are fighting two different battles. The melting pot we call USA is just a goulash of different cultures and nationalities trying to blend. The only plate that is being fed off of is the so-called African Americans, Blacks or whatever by-word the other nations choose to call us, because we are a people lost and scattered amongst the Gentiles. selah
What are you trying to overcome; breaking the law of the land which you entered illegally? Tell me, how so, how can you think your plight to the US could be equivalent to "We Shall Overcome"? My ancestors didn't break any laws to come to this land of punishment to live amongst those that hate us (selah).
Come here the proper way like others who find this USA the motherland of false promises when it comes to a few who created much of what you get to enjoy without scrutiny or ridicule.
in summation, make your country great and prosperous create songs of hope and encouragement for your lands. Rise up your people to revolution and free yourselves from the fear of the powers that be.
My opinion is no, we are fighting two different battles. The melting pot we call USA is just a goulash of different cultures and nationalities trying to blend. The only plate that is being fed off of is the so-called African Americans, Blacks or whatever by-word the other nations choose to call us, because we are a people lost and scattered amongst the Gentiles. selah
What are you trying to overcome; breaking the law of the land which you entered illegally? Tell me, how so, how can you think your plight to the US could be equivalent to "We Shall Overcome"? My ancestors didn't break any laws to come to this land of punishment to live amongst those that hate us (selah).
Come here the proper way like others who find this USA the motherland of false promises when it comes to a few who created much of what you get to enjoy without scrutiny or ridicule.
in summation, make your country great and prosperous create songs of hope and encouragement for your lands. Rise up your people to revolution and free yourselves from the fear of the powers that be.