Hosted By
Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy
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Audio Transcript:
Welcome back to another h 2 H highlight recap here on the exquisite podcast radio network. I'm your host, garland del mclaughlin, also known as the consulting guy.
And today we have a great recap for you all. And Mr. re lose sca rocking re is back with us today to give us the fantasy hi ally and polo to pay out results.
And we'll have that for you. A little bit later here and today show was being presented by was the podcast radio network, of course. And being sponsored by bet,
rivers dot com, fantasy highlight dot com. watch highlight dot com, and black star fund l L L, P dot com. And I'll have the scores in a whole lot more for you when we return.
But 1st, let's, let's listen in on the rows of h 2 H highlight.
***Commercial Break***
Welcome back here for the 2nd segment of each of the h 2 H recap here on exquisite podcast, radio network. host garland, they'll mclaughlin,
also known as the consulting guy. And today we have the scores for sunday, june 19th, double the action. Monday, june 20 june 20th singles action in tuesday,
June 21st singles action. And for the sunday double scores, we had 7 matches that were played. And for the 1st match, we have robin in jewel and versus korea in many robin and julian,
pull off the wind in straight sets, 63, and 6 to when the 2nd match. We have joseph and men. New versus high row, been high ruin,
been take the win in split sets, 64, and 64. And the 3rd match we have c R B in douglas versus a knock in rock. enough in rock.
Take the when in split set 6165. In the 4th match, we have car bio and cabala versus flores interrupts. Car bio and cool ballad. Take the winning straight,
set 64, and 65. In the 5th match we have the single cherry versus joseph men, new and their 5th match was actually forfeited by joseph and men new.
So the single charity take the win in the 6 match. We have jet in a nicholas versus robin and julian, robin and jewel and take the when in the 2nd and 3rd set,
63 and 64. In the 7th match, we have a knock in rock versus way know, and benny in ocoee and rock took the wind 62 and 64 in straight sets.
And for the highlight, it's for sunday, june 19th. We have a knock in iraq and they both one, both of their matches for the day and for Monday,
june 20th. We have singles action that started up. We have in the 7 matches that were played in the 1st match. We have benny versus routes.
routes took the winning straight, set 64 and 63. And the 2nd match we have high row and many high row versus many. High row took the win in straight sets,
62, and 63. And the 3rd match. We have mackey and men versus men. New in ocoee took the wind in the 2nd and 3rd set 63 and 63.
In the 4th match, we have rights versus high row high rotate the when in straight set 61 and 61. In the 5th match we have go cherry versus in ocoee.
GoDaddy took the winning streets at $65.65. In the 6 match we have car bio versus douglas car bio took the win in split sets, 64 and 65.
In the 7th and final match of the day, we have jewel and versus nicholas. nicholas took the when in St. straight set 65 and 62. And on the day the highlight of the day high roll winds.
Both of his singles matches for the day and for the final set of matches. singles matches on Tuesday, June 21st. We have 7 matches that were played in the 1st match.
We have jet in versus korea jet and took the wind in straight sets 64 and 64. In the 2nd mass, we have been vs car bio car bio took the wind in straight sets,
63 and 60. And the 3rd match we have ron, ron versus bueno ron ron took the when and straight set 63 and 62. When the 4th match,
we have korea versus caballo, and korea actually winds the 4th met by forfeit. In the 5th match, we have car bio versus jet and car bio took the wind streets at 62162.
When the 6 match, we have wayne o versus been way know, took the match 63 and 65 in the 2nd and 3rd sets in the 7th and final match of the day.
We advocate in ron ron versus ron ron. You k to take the wind in streets at 63 and 63. And for the highlight of the day car bio takes both of the went both of his singles matches wins for Tuesday,
June 21st. And this standings for h 2 H for group one. We have go cherry in 1st place with 11 winds and no losses. nicholas is in 2nd place with 6 winds and 2 losses in 3rd place we have in nike.
Yes, 7 winds and for losses. In the group 2 standings, we have a cader. He is in 1st place with 12 winds and no losses.
Ron ron is in 2nd place which well wins and 2 losses. Car bio is in 3rd place with 10 winds in for losses and for doubles. In 1st place we have robin and julian.
They have 7 winds and 2 losses in 2nd place. We have cor bio that duke and co. balla. They have 7 winds and 3 losses. In 3rd place.
We have c R B and douglas with 6 winds and 4 losses. And that will do it for the h 2 H recap scores and I'm going to turn the mike over to rock and re hello sco.
And he has the polosa results and fantasy highlight results for us. Thank you. garland and just a reminder on h 2 H, the singles matches were completed for this round.
So those top 2 finishers were the ones that shared the prize money. Both group one and group to the rest of the way it's going to be doubles for the next few weeks on all 3.
So that should be exciting and maybe some long days. Some of those matches can really stretch out. Ok, let's get to the big winners in the blood again.
And by big winners. I mean the betters who have some really successful times results available at magic city highlight dot com. And we'll start with sunday, june 19th of excitement started 1st game as janell barb and cool fitness finished 123.
As the from the 56 and 2 post panella 56 paid 145. exact a $363.00 in the try. $1090.20. 3rd game singles. ban arrived and spinner 163 cornell,
$14160.00 exact $79.00. So that's the 16358264 the game.
Early. Take 3 to one to 300. $23.80. jumping down to the 5th game, cornell up to 6 paid $45.00. Exactly. 79. 66 game.
singles. rats is when paid. 2160 we usually don't mentioned when play show that's on here. But that was significantly higher than the usual single digit payout.
canal 58 was 7620 exact that 1. 637 gain doubles. 415.
With a knocking tennessee leading the way exact. It was $89.00 for $15502.00. And the high 5 jack. But best anyone could do is 3 out of 5.
When the numbers are 1228 for paying 2840 for the. A few people have that combination. 18 can I douglas led the way with a victory to pay 366041.
It was brave enough to bet on him to win that game. Well now I was 4480 exact the 86109. 20. Believe that 3 1st version of all 3,
right? 848. And the payout was 77840. And then my jo jo for a while as a tough bed and people don't usually mail them all but 52122848.
Was only 370 because there were a lot of people that got for the day. Right. And then that moves us over to monday. The 1st game,
caballo, c, R B, and tennessee. From that 75. And for post cornell of $57.00 paid $4820.00 exact one a $100.60. And another nice strike that the when to start out the date for those letters.
584 dollars, 581 dollars and 40 cents. Once again, that was a 754 2nd game,
early daily, double, 7185444th game.
nicholas voicemail and then on the one for a post. exact paid $8180.00 try to pay $5.00. 1440 early. Pick 312100. $62.40. They do that on the 2nd one is the 2nd,
3rd, and 4th games for the early pick. 3 fift game doubles exact of $28.00, a $90.60. That was a knock in Tennessee and you are being douglas taking a tops last in that game.
7th game. The 2nd levels game, monday, exactly, 26 paid 8680. Hi 5 jack, but one person has 5 a 5. Wow. When numbers and the 5 games living up that were $21272.00 and they collected $2000.00 prize.
Good for them. Wow. That's amazing. And some of the do you have the the, the winners are the weekly winner for fantasy jaila. Yeah,
that's coming up later. I came on Monday. I wasn't meeting, I don't know that it was you either. But unless you change names but And naughty ca,
bio and Nicholas re went to the post positions $530.00 for the and $0.60 for the trial that the late picked 372-385-2480.
And the mighty oh joe 5. Of 871212723.
Pay $15.80. But anyone gets 5 or 5. That's a $5000.00 prize if they're the only person that lucky they haven't came out in a while that I can recall.
Ok. Who's a june 21st at the excitement of the days of things going game for early pick 384-2549. 80 again, 75542266 people for the $5132.90.
And then gets us to gave me The check that there was been man new and not the one a 4 paid 609. 80 even better with the late that 3661 paid $865.50.
Wow. Or a new one that my yoko and my jo jo is 284226614.
They paid $17.40 On 2 players.
peek has been ex, goes to jack picked 18 correctly, was split $100.00. season longstanding c. I, mr. Rodriguez is the 1st thing to talk to 100 with to get into corrected since the beginning of the season.
And he enjoys the 7th grade was just keeps getting bigger and bigger each week over law at $195.00. And then there's a few others in the low one ninety's,
but we're going to have to do some really good guessing to catch up All we have today and get your picks in on by 5 PM Sunday for next week's dentistry.
highlight the highlight dot com. There are some injuries, so you might want to wait to see who the scratches are in the below the games before deciding who to bet on in the Select.
Not that select, that's 3. A charge For the for the h 2,
H vanish fixed.
And that's going to be all doubles this, this coming week With a knock in rope.
They've been doing a pretty good job as a substitute team that they can lean towards picking them up quite often. But we'll see what else happens. And That's gonna get,
I was taking a look at it the other day and it's dizzying how many these matchers are going to be seeing over that 3 day period. So good luck to everybody out there.
And number of you can check to see if that is available in your area and pull it again just like rivers dot com or watch and wager and my state pennsylvania rivers dot com only honors the h 2 H games.
It's fun to put a little bit into it and if you know as much as you think, you know you should at least break even overturn i am even,
but that's all we have for today. garland, i'll send it back to you. Alright, well thank you. Definitely appreciate you coming on the today to give this recap in the fantasy highlight results.
P cash looks like he's win every week. So if you get an exciting and I definitely appreciate you coming on to give an update. Yeah. And that's all we have today for h 2,
a recap here on the exquisite podcast, radio network i've been, you know, scarlet, l mclaughlin, along with the rock in re loose get here and have a great weekend everyone.