Hosted By
Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy
Co-Host Raymond Haluska
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Audio Transcript:
Welcome back to another highlight, h 2, H, recap. This is recap number 12 for the 2022 championship season. I'm your host, garland mclaughlin,
also known as the consulting guy. And we have rock and re hello scott. He's back with us this week and have updates on the school payouts for the political games and fantasy highlight standings.
And today's podcast is being brought to listeners in part by exquisite podcast, radio network of course collateral, casey watch, highlight dot com bet rivers dot com fantasy highlight dot com,
black star fund l L L, P dot com, and exquisite coffee dot shop shop exquisite coffee for your very own blends of exquisite coffee and tease, go to exquisite coffee and shop.
And with that, we're going to head on over to learn a little bit more about how to play highlight h 2 H and I'll be right back with the scores in more.
Right for you here. On h 2, H recap, stay tuned in.
***Commercial Break***
Welcome back to the 2nd segment of age to age recap number 12 for the 2022 championship season. garlen dale mclaughlin, also known as the consulting guy. And today I have the scores for you for sunday.
July 17th , 2022, monday, July 18th , 2022 and Tuesday, July 19th , 2022 and we'll start off here would sunday, sunday doubles action. We have 5 matches that were played in the 1st match.
We have in douglas versus wayne. When julian wayne on July take the went straight, set 65 and 60. When the 2nd match we advocated in iraq's versus flores in minute.
He, kate and rocks, take the when in split, set 65, and 6 to and the 3rd match we have c R B in spinner versus jet and,
and Nicholas c, R B and spinner. Take the women straight, set 63 and 63 and the 4th match. We have robin in bending versus williams and manny robin.
And benny take the went straight, set 64 and 64. And the 5th and final match of the day we have high ruined bala versus nahi and been in high rule into ballot take the when in split set 63 and 62 and for Monday,
July 18th , 2022 was the big begins, the singles action and 7 matches were played in the 1st match we have been e versus men. New menu taste,
the women splits at 65 and 62 in a 2nd match we have nicholas versus the cater. He k to takes the win is streets at $65.62. And the 3rd match we have many verses benny many takes the win in the 2nd and 3rd set 63 and 61.
And the 4th match. We have man, new verses go. Jerry man who takes the win $63.00 and $6.00 to win. The 2nd and 3rd sets in the 5th match.
We have katie versus douglas douglas takes the win in straight sets, 63, and 64. And the 6 match we have knock versus nicholas in ocoee takes the win is straight set $64.64.
And the 7th and final match of the day. We have douglas versus manny douglas takes the win is straight set $64.63 and the highlight of the day. Both man new and douglas when both of their single singles matches for the day.
And for Tuesday, July 19th , 2022 singles action. We have 7 matches that were played in the 1st match. We have our acts ver, school balla states to win in straight sets 3 and 62.
In the 2nd match, we have car bio versus julian jewel and takes the win in the 2nd. And 3rd set 63 and 65. And the 3rd match we have ron ron versus bin ron.
Ron takes to win straight set 60162, and the 4th match we have arrived versus way No stakes. The win in split sets, 62, and 62.
In the 5th match we have q bala versus hydro. hydro takes the women's 3 sets, $62.63. And this 6 match we have julian versus ron ron.
Ron. Ron takes the when it's straight set $62.65. And in this 7th and final match of the day, we have went over his card bio way.
No takes the when 6165 in the 2nd, and 3rd sets. And for the highlight of the day we have ron, ron, and iraq's. They share the spotlight by winning both of their matches on the day and as of July 19,
202282, which group one single standings. We have douglas the top of the leaderboard with 2 wins and no losses. Man new is in 2nd place. He has 2 wins and losses.
Well, they're actually tied for 1st. And in 3rd place we have enough. He has one when and no losses. And group 2 for standings for group 2.
We have ron ron. He has 4 winds in the losses, high row, he has 3 wins and losses. And iraq is in 3rd place with 3 winds and no losses.
And 4 doubles. Only one category we have, we have a 4 way tide. 4 ways. Every 111 game, c, R B in spinner,
k to in iraq, high row in kabbalah and robin and benny. And that will do it for the scores in standings. And I'm going to go ahead and turn the mike over to rock and re loose.
Good. Thank you, garland. And let's get right into the betters. delights from last weekend. A 2nd game and we had a nice, 36 quinoa condo paid,
8360 for the continent. Better that, that, that caring as a exact that, that, that was paid $3.00 to $20.00 and the track that the $36.00 or they $1531.80.
The early gaily doubled to 3 at the winners of the game. Second, 1st and 2nd game base 5960. I was called fitness jet and l boy the where your top 3 finishers and that game.
And you can remember them for future consideration. What game exactly? $74.00, pay $90.00. $6.00 274-6350. 640 the early pick. 3. What is the 1st 3 games?
337600. $39.20. Wow. Not a bad. 2 dollar best fit in The tag team. Again, joe cherry has a nice $18.60 cent pay off and a $2.00 win ticket.
And cornell, a 58, was 4280. Moving down to the 7th game flores and I knew more double action a 3140 for the when 2320 for so those are really nice.
payoffs. And those are less exotic. That's ok. And the cornell of, to 3 paid $4320.00, the exact paid $67.00 and to try to $31.00 paid $477.00.
And the teams involved that were flores, my new winning l. Barbara and 11 second corporate mission. Then the 3rd and since they're not doing h 2 H,
L, barbara and Ron ron, giving the Play both doubles games as well as multiple single games. I believe 2 and 2 of each help them are not getting to do that.
The high 5 jack pot was 37852. There was 4 or 5 winners picked by different people who received 7790 for their effort. A game singles man, new $32.20 for the when the quinoa for 6 paid $35.00.
60 exact 66. 60 really took 35261 of games. 67 and 8. K. 300. $87.20. That might be o cho, only 3 of 8 winners were picked by the smart betters that day,
or the lucky betters, and that's only pay $2.60. I believe the high 5 and the my yoko $1.00 bet Moving to monday's action. That we have See are the winning the $12.00 in the 1st game,
a place better $1480.00. And I need your situation with the lesser prestige is better. It ends up out earning the top that I'm moving down to the 2nd game.
jen l. Boy, i've been robin players for one in 5 for that game. Try to for $15.00, a $500.00. $60.40 the early daily, double 5 for a $28.00.
23rd game.
Check that the 16 for 200. $18.80. I see what's going on here. I forgot the added up some of these results. I'm not going to boil once when there's meager payoffs.