Magic City Jai-Alai H2H Squads
Jai-Alai H2H Recap
Hosted By
Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy
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Podcast Transcript
Welcome back to 2022 season high, lie h to wait. battle court recap here on exquisite podcast radio network. And this is episode number 4 of the recap.
And I'm your host garland del mclaughlin, also known as the consulting guy in today's episode, sponsors are magic city. Hi, lie, watch highlight, dot com bet river's dot com.
fantasy i lie and black star fund, limited liability limited partnership. And today we have an exciting show lined up with the score stats and more so stay tuned in we're also giving away a smartphone here on explicit podcast radio network.
So beyond to look out for the links and all the information pertaining to that give away. And also listeners, remember to also like follow and join us anywhere that you see or hear us on social media and on your social media platforms.
and welcome back to 2022 c's in h 2 H highlight battle court recap here on the exquisite podcast radio network. I'm your host garland del mclaughlin, also known as the consulting guy.
And we have that great show lined up for you today, and just want to go over some of the rules here of h 2 H highlight before we get into the scores.
Hi, lie is generally played similar to a tennis match where the 1st player or squad to win 6 points within the set, wins the set in the 1st squad or player to win 3 sets wins the match and quite often,
highlight matches go up to or played up to 3 sets, and therefore, you know, a lot of times a squad or t squad or player can split the set by winning in the 1st or 3rd set,
or when in the 2nd and 3rd set. And with that, I'm going to head on over into the standings as of March 11th , 2020. We have the war war years with 20 points,
the revoke taylor in a gauge with 17 and a half points that school the chargers have 15 points. And the says decide clones have 13 and a half points.
And for the scores for sunday, 3 , march, 62022. We have those scores for you. I'll have those in a minute. We also have the scores from Monday,
march , 7th, and Tuesday, march 8th, and on Sunday, march 6th, we had 5 matches. That generally makes up a. Each 2 each match or competition.
We had 5 matches, 3 singles matches in 2 doubles matches and in the 1st match on Sunday, march 6, we had the wall warriors versus the both taylor and the gates.
And we for the 1st match was a singles match. We had jewel and versus robin jewel and takes the when in split sex 63 and 64 in the 2nd match we have nicholas versus rats and Nicholas wins in the 2nd.
And 3rd set 64 and 64. In the 3rd match, we have go cherry of the boat to run the gates versus a nike of the wall warriors and go takes the when $63.63 and the for a 4th match for starting of the doubles matches you have,
they were both a renegades go, cherry and cool bala versus the wall warriors in nike and julian, and go to cabala, take the when 62, and 62 went straight sets.
And the 5th and final match of the day we have d. m. bradley versus well, lo and our that's and well when iraq take the when 61 and 63 for the revolt,
a renegades giving them 4 points for the day with the wall, leaving the wall warriors with 2 points for the day. On Monday, march 7 , 2022.
We have the tool charges versus this says the psych loans and for the 1st match we have rock versus joseph. And rob takes the when in straight sets,
63 and 62. And the 2nd match. We have c R B versus jet and jet and takes the when in the 2nd and 3rd set 64 and 63 and the 3rd match we have korea versus k to indicate it takes the when in splits at $63.62 in the 4th match,
which is the beginning of the doubles match competition. We have high rule and benny versus kate in many. Katie many take the when 65 and 64 and split sets in the 5th and final match of the day.
You have korea, rock versus joseph in many men, new skews me, joseph and men, new. And joseph menu, take the when 61 and 62.
And that gives these that would give the says decide close 5 points for the day. And the true charges wind up with one point and for the final set of matches for the week on Tuesday,
march , 8th , 2022. We have the war war years versus the chula charges. And for the 1st match, we have, julian versus benny. benny takes the win in the 2nd and 3rd set,
6462. And the 2nd match we have nicholas versus high ro, hi, row takes the when 62 and 6 to when this 2nd and 3rd sets. In the 3rd match we have knocked e versus douglas douglas takes the when 6 to 162 in straight sets in the 4th match,
beginning of the doubles matches competition we have in nike and Nicholas versus high were when benny and, and Nicholas take the when 61, and 61 in the 2nd and 3rd set.
And for the 5th and final match of the day, we have wayne when nicholas versus korea and rock. And when, when nicholas take the when 61 and 61 in the 2nd and 3rd sets.
And both teams, the wall warriors and the charges wind up with 3 points apiece for the day. And another impressive performance by nicholas as he finishes out the day with defined by playing all by playing the final 5 sets of the 4th and 5th matches.
So there you have it for this week, for episode number 4 of the 2001 to highlight h 2, which battle court season we have your scores for you and it was a very impressive week and wanted thank all the listeners for staying tuned in and have a great weekend everyone.