The strangest thing is being advertised online, and as a digital marketing practice. We've heard it all before, but what makes it interesting is how a sales practice is manipulated to make the customer assume that they own the rights to be ranked higher by search engines when they execute a time consuming backlink strategy and management campagne. It's a real slippery slope when customers basically believe that they own the content and direction of a campaign when all of the evidence from backlinks that are produced suggest that the whole campaign is artificial.
The whole idea of backlinking from abstract key words and pages instead of using your own content to backlink from just seems fraudulent to me. Other experts agree. In the article Fried Spam: Dealing with Fraudulent Comments and Backlinks written by Aly Schweigert on Dec 1, 2014 Ms. Schweigert describes an ever growing backlink deception that sales people masquerading as digital marketing specialists do to their clients. In one example, "Basically, this marketing company created an online persona and used it to leave comments on hundreds of different marketing blogs — and each comment included a link back to their own website, either in the text or in the “website” field on the comment form. Their goal was to increase their page rank by having several backlinks to reputable industry websites."( The clone blitz backlinking strategy is pretty recognizable by a true digital marketing professional.
In many cases businesses and organizations that are utilizing so called digital marketing backlink services claim that they are getting sufficient traffic. This traffic hardly ever turns into any kind of meaningful revenue generation and they always wonder why they are not getting justifiable results. The answer is simple. Content that is not your own can never effectively brand an organization's message that they are trying to convey.
"1. If your site is linked from a directory or ad-heavy site, contact the owner and ask to have your link removed. Remember that quality is more important than quantity. One exception to this is if you check your web traffic stats and see that you get a significant amount of traffic from the directory.
2. Create new content with keywords that your competitors are not using..." ( And the exception in solution number 1 rarely happens. Don't be afraid to be creative with the unique content that you publish.