It's always a popular discussion over at ECC to constantly reflect on how the public reacts to a number of marketing situations. A few case studies reveal the general thoughts and reactions of customers and service providers. Looking through the view of not just our agency's perspective, but of other professionals as well, a complex dialogue with clear cut distinct solutions can be heard and visualized.

In this first scenario let's imagine that you're a service provider and you have 2 types of customers. Your first customer is honest Joe and your second customer is executive x. Do you pay more attention to the executive because of his or her title?

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I'm running into business owners, CEOs, and organization leaders on a daily basis. Many expect preferential treatment, others demand it, and some are right here with us on Earth, so titles don't go to their head. The third type of executive is obviously the kind of individual that I could be focused on at least 70% of the time, but 30% of my earning potential would be lost. Therefore, service providers and process managers need to develop and grow relationships with a variety executive personality types. "Developing a personal relationship with your client is important because it helps you retain the client for the long term." ( So it's not so important that business professionals focus on the titles of their prospects. Focus on developing with, and understanding the character of the individuals that you're encountering on a daily basis.

In another example I've witnessed people who were providing a service let someone elses title cripple their ability to perform their job. For one reason or another they just could not shake the feeling that an individual with a superficial title was continuously judging them. Many of us sometimes feel over worked and unappreciated for the services that we provide for our superiors, or to our clients. People in leadership align with our individual lives in individual ways, so you always should prepare to seize an opportunity by further personally developing with leaders around you. "You never know how this person will play a part in your life, who they will put you in front of, or the job opportunities they could lead you to. You want to have people in your life who can speak highly of you, talk about your professional capabilities, who can recommend you, and your boss can potentially be that person for the rest of your life." ( This eye opening fact also helps others see the value that they add by building long term relationships and not focusing so much on a person's title. Individuals feel most confident knowing that both parties have a mutual interest in growing and succeeding together long term.

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Don't be intimidated by the titles that people around you have. They're just like you and I. Explore your options and figure out how to build relationships with all of your customers.

Garland L. McLaughlin, CEO, Author, Radio Personality, Ad Guy, The Consulting Guy

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