Charlotte, NC
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Magic City Jai Alai Ear Pods Giveaway
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If you live or have visited the Charlotte Metro Area, you may have heard of a town named Ballantyne. I often get asked if I meant Ballantyne instead of Palatine. See, everything this boutique firm does has a purpose and a meaning. Palatine means “royal authority over a region of the land” and with “great power comes great responsibility”; Parcels means land. We seek to provide our clients with a concierge level of service; catering to their needs while educating them to be a more informed consumer! The Charlotte Metro Region This Metro Area has grown so much in the 10 years that I have lived here. I started in Charlotte, then moved to outskirts to Concord (Voted one of the BEST places to live). This region, situated in a Piedmont has the best weather!!! A beautiful city teeming with sports teams, the arts, awesome breweries and restaurants, great schools and wonderful people. What more could you ask for? Well, maybe an international airport, GREAT NEWS, we have one of those too!
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eXquisite Coffee