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Audio Transcription:
Welcome back to another highlight h to wait, recap, this is recap number 14 for the 2022 season at fraud time magic city. And I'm your host gollindo mclaughlin,
also known as the consulting guy, along with co host, re rock and re hello sca. And today's show was being presented by exquisite podcast radio network collateral pc.
But of course, in today's podcast, sponsors are the magic city highlight frontal and in Miami, Florida. highlight world dot com with everything I lie, watch highlight,
dot com. bet rivers dot com, fail to see highlight dot com, black star fund, l L L, P dot com. And exquisite coffee shop,
and we have some exciting news that we're going to share today in discuss and naturally on September 23rd. You can go check it out. magic see the highlight going to be streaming on Yes,
p n. So yeah, we'll talk further about that and have the scores and a lot more for you right after these messages. So stay tuned in right here.
***Commercial Break***
and we're back with highlight age to age, recap number 14 for the 2022 season. And I'm your host, garland del mc laughlin, also known as the consulting guy.
And I'm going to start off with the scores for you. And rock in re, hello scott is going to give you some insight on the pillow results.
And we're going to talk about fantasy highlight as well as the yes p in streaming deal that just took place this week at the magic city highlight fraud on and for the scores.
I'm going to start off with sunday, sunday, july 30. First. We have some doubles action. We have 5 matches that were played in the 1st match.
We have c R B and spinner versus diaz and douglas the US and douglas take the when in split set 63 and 65. In the 2nd match, we have robin and benny versus car bio and rock robin and benny take the winning straits at 6165.
And the 3rd match we advocate in rots versus joseph and go cherry, kate and iraq. Take the when in the 2nd and 3rd set, 6165, in the 4th match,
we have jet in nicholas versus flores and my new jet. And Nicholas take the when in the 2nd and 3rd sets, 63 and 64, and the 5th match.
We have williams and many verses not been me not been take the when it's straight set 65 and 62. And moving on Monday, August 1st started singles action for the week.
We have 7 matches that were played in the 1st match. We advocate versus man. New and manual taste. The win is straight set $63.00, and $6.00.
1 in the 2nd match, we have benny versus douglas benny takes the when 61 and 6 to when the 2nd and 3rd sets versus his brother, douglas.
And in the 3rd match, we have menu versus many menu takes the women straight set 62162. In the 4th match we have a knock angle jetty. knocking takes the winning splits at $64.61 in the 5th match.
We have douglas ne cater douglas taste. The win is straight set 63 and 63 in the 6 match we have nicholas versus enough not to taste the winning.
The 2nd and 3rd set 62 and 63. In the 7th and final match of the day, we have been e versus many. Many took the win in straight,
said 63 and 64. And the highlights of the day, man, new and innocuous, both one, both of their matches for the day. And on Tuesday,
tuesday, August , 2nd, we have 7 matches that were played. We have you rots versus ron ron in the 1st match and Ron ron took the winning straits at 65 and 65 in the 2nd match.
We have julian versus cabala. julian sick taste the when 60 and 61 is straight sets in the 3rd match we have been versus car bio, car bio taste when 61 in 63 in the 2nd and 3rd sets in the 4th.
In the 4th match, we have high ro versus a rats high rotates the when in the 2nd and 3rd set, 63 and 64, and the 5th match.
We have ron, ron versus cool. bala, ron ron, takes to win in straight sets, $64.00, and $6.00. 1 in this 6 match we have julian versus high ro,
hi, rotates the when in the 2nd and 3rd set, 62163, and the 7th and final match of the day we have, we know versus been and blaine on the 2nd generation pelettano re takes the when in split sets,
65, and 64 in the highlight of the day highlights of the day, ron ron and higher row when both of the matches on the day and for the standings for group 1.
1 and 2 for one minute. He's in 1st place and he has 6 winds, no losses. When percentages a 1000 in 2nd place is not the 4 winds and one loss when percentage is 800 percent and 3rd place.
We have douglas douglas as 3 winds and 2 losses when percentages 600 percent. And for group 2 high roll, he is in 1st place with 7 winds and no losses at a 1000 percent when percentage.
And 2nd place is Ron ron. Ron won, ron ron has 7 winds and one last hit ease at a wind percentage of 875 in iraq and 3rd place with 5 wins and 2 losses when percentage 714 and for the double standings for the 1st 3 we have cater any rots kate and iraq there in 1st place with 3 wins and no losses when percentage of 1000 robin and benny are 2nd place to winds in no losses when percentage is 1000.
And in 3rd place, we have not been and they have to winds at one a loss when percentage 667. And with that, I'm going to turn the mike over to rock in re whole sca garland.
And just mentioned that top of the shows the big news that caught everyone in the various chats off by the lights. So here's the deal with e S P n that was announced,
they showed a wall lawyers versus just to say close doubles match that went to reset, ending in 65 The cycle and coming back from maybe 4 to to when 65 in the 3rd set so that was those a great match to show.
Okay, so that was just the one day thrill it's going to be really difficult is all that chord matches are going to be streamed on e S P M 3.
That's not something you find in your TV. It's something you find on your computer somewhere and then, you know, being with chromecast, whatever you use to get stuff off your phone or computer onto your big tv.
But that, that is really exciting. And there's all kinds of logistical issues going to be worked out, are they going to use the announces for magic sandy?
Are they going to bring in? But hopefully they'll just let us do. And andrea, who do a great job for us just continue to enough, is they've been very easy to like them.
They're informative enthusiastic and passionate about the game. And that's what this is going to be a nice improvement. And we'll see if that affects the the existing stream on watch,
highlight where the twitch show that l barbara does. Yeah. For match it and that will wait for them. The big news is that's what's coming up.
And I think the, the battle coord draft is Friday, this Friday To most people get this in the next day or 2 location.
A battle chord draft is tonight. And I don't think it's going to be on It's not going to be on YouTube or the find out if it shows up somewhere in.
It'll probably be on the highlight channel the day you to channel a little later they'll, they'll probably produce a short of it. Ok, quick little short.
Episode 56 REPLAY
Hosted By
Reverend Gloria H. McLaughlin
Presented By
Exquisite Podcast Radio Network
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