Charles Hugh Smith-The [CB] System Has Failed,We Are Approaching To Redraw America’s Grand Strategy
Charles is Financial writer and book author,Charles newest book is Global Crisis, National Renewal: A (Revolutionary) Grand Strategy for the United States. Charles begins the conversation talking about inflation. The economy is falling apart, inflation is getting worse which is creating the perfect opportunity for the people of the world to make a decision to move away from the [CB] system. The [CB] system has failed and the America has the opportunity to redraw the grand strategy.
Ep. 2660a - Gold Will Destroy The Fed, Crypto Is Very Dangerous, Are Not Just Catch Phrases
The Biden admin are losing the narrative, they are trying to tell the American people that the economy is doing just fine and all the issues are fixed, but this is an illusion they setup, the illusion is only temporary. The [CB] do not want other forms of currency, the truth is right in front of everyone, once you see it and cannot be unseen.
Ep. 2660b - Scavino Message Received, Think George Washington And Durham, We Are Ready
The [DS] is now starting a war on the unvaccinated, their narrative is falling apart and the only thing left to do is use all available ammunition to push their agenda. The people know their playbook, its the same playbook they used in 2020. This push is failing and they know it. Scavino sends messages, the offensive begins in the New Year, it's time to take about the country, think GW and Durham, the people are ready, they are or have reached the precipices. Change is coming, justice is coming.
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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
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