x22 report (68)


Germany is now struggling, the followed the green new scam and it has destroyed the country. Newsom is right on schedule with the climate cities. Trump shuts down the EV charging program. The Fed is setting up Trump, this will boomerang. Reciprocal tariffs coming. The [DS] is struggling with their message, the people are getting angry of what is being revealed with DOGE. Trump is now using Obama’s weapons against the [DS]. Red Cross audit coming soon and this will expose, human trafficking and the pedo world. Trump is getting back at the [DS] by exposing their crimes, let the world see, the let world hold the [DS] accountable.

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The [CB][WEF] are pushing the blue states to push the climate hoax. NY signed a bill that will fine fossil fuel companies. Trump will break the manufactures but we will need qualified people to produce the products. We can not use temp workers this must people that believe in the US and they are the best of the best. The [DS] is continually revealing their plan to try to stop Trump. First they are packing the Federal Judges across the US, this way the Ds can push their agenda. The [DS] is planning to stop Trump from getting into office by having a vote during the certification process. The [DS] might try to delay the certification process. If the [DS] can do this beyond the 20th there would be no President. This is why Trump needed the people are in side. The people are the counterinsurgency.

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The earth is not warming, the earth is now cooling down. The jig is up and the climate agenda has failed.  The economy is unravelling the fake numbers are now exposed and people can see the economy wasn’t expanding it was contracting. Trump names his Crypto Czar, it is time to end the endless. The [DS] is getting prepared to spring something either before or after inauguration. Scavino has been counting down. The countdown normally signifies some type of event that the [DS] might attempt. Trump sends a message with watches. Time is running out for the [DS]. Justice is coming.

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Germany’s green new scam failed, companies are realizing that this was the wrong move, layoffs have begun. The [CB] has now cut the rate, history shows that when this is done the market comes down, it’s only a matter of time. Trump pays using Bitcoin. The [DS] is now prepping the election interference narrative. It’s the Iran, Iran, Iran narrative. Trump hints at change of batter, will they remove [KH] her poll numbers are dropping like a rock. The [DS] has two plans for the election, one before the election and one after. They need to stop Trump at all costs. Expect a cyber attack, chaos and war. We might have an event similar to the movie Sum of All Fears. Trump sent a message to the [DS], he played Nessun Dorma at the end of his rally, at dawn I win.

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The green new scam is not working, the people around the world are now calling out the [WEF]and the [DS] players. Biden tries to use fake tariffs on China, big fail. The people are now moving away from the [CB] fiat currency, this will continue as time goes on, change is coming. The [DS] is now trapped in the narrative. They are destroying the country and the people can see this. The people can also see how Trump is fighting against the [DS] tyranny and he is willing to go jail to show the people. There is a solar storm happening and the [DS] is most likely accessing systems to bring them down later on. Scavino sends message on how communications is going to change.

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NYC is now pushing the green new scam, there policies will destroy the businesses in NY. Climate predictions are always wrong. Canada’s economy is imploding. Yellen couldn’t get inflation right from the very beginning, still getting it wrong. Trump setup traps for Biden, now Biden has now way out. Biden is trying to stay in the race, they are trying to take control of congress to stop the probes, impeachment etc.  As the people see the truth the people are waking up and they cannot be put back to sleep. The [DS] is now preparing to shutdown communications. Trump maneuvers to force TikTok to sell, all part of the plan. Africa looses internet connection. Countermeasures are in place for [Zero-Day]. Playbook known.



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The [CB]/[WEF] are now openly battling the farmers, the people are pushing back against their system. Their narrative is falling apart. The people are no longer with them. The system is falling apart and it is now time to restructure the entire thing. The [DS] knows they cannot win the 2024 election. They know they will not be able to create enough ballots to pull it off this time. So they have come up with another plan to postpone the election and to try to have a color revolution. They push the insurgency across America to get people to rise up and to fight a civil war. This will fail because the solution to an insurgency is a counterinsurgency, this is a combination of the military and the people.

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The countries that are pushing the green new scam are imploding on themselves. Energy is becoming very expensive, the people are seeing the truth. Inflation is picking up and the Biden administration is trying to shift the blame onto the R’s. In the end gold will destroy the Fed, Bitcoin & Gold are outside the system. The [DS] are now moving forward with their agenda, most likely a [FF] event is headed our way. Pelosi says the quiet part out loud, they will try to stop Trump from being elected, they will try to cheat, and if that doesn’t work they will cancel the election to stop him. This is a moment in time when the people rise up to push the tyrannical government out.

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The people are pushing back, the German farmers pushed back against their government and now they backing off the taxes. The job numbers are manipulated, the internal economy is falling apart and they are trying to keep the illusion that the economy is doing well. Tick Tock. The [DS] is now panicking, they have tried everything to stop Trump and it’s not working, it’s making him stronger. The [DS] needs to remove Biden and now they are most likely going to have a [FF] during the next 10 days. The [DS] will try to distract from the Iowa Caucus, this will fail just like everything else. See something say something.

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Argentina is now cracking down on the climate terrorist by cutting welfare for those who block the streets. Santos says congress is insider trading. Biden says the economy is good. Gold and silver are being reclassified in many states. The [DS] plans to stop Trump is failing, soon names will be released in regards to Epstein, this is the first phase. Colorado now says Trump is back on the ballot because of the Supreme Court Appeal. The [DS] has committed crimes against the people of this country and they have been covering up their crimes since Trump came into office. In the end the cover up will get them because this shows their guilt. The cover up will bring down the entire criminal syndicate.

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Just like California, the people are leaving New York, these states will show the people why we shouldn’t follow the [CB]s plan. The people are struggling and Walmart just introduced another way for people to go further into debt, buy now pay later. Argentina has now moved to accept Bitcoin. The [DS] is so desperate that they are now expose themselves as the real insurrectionist. The [DS] does not care about optics and the patriots knew they would follow this path, from everything they did in the past to the present will be used against them. As they attack Trump the continue to chant nobody is above the law, this will be used against them in the end, there is no escape, no deals.

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Germany is now pledging 100 million to compensate climate change, this will destroy Germany. EVs have almost 80% more problems. MSNBC is saying Trump will destroy the climate agenda, he will, he will show the people the truth. Biden destroys his own economic narrative by telling stores to lower prices, game over. The [DS] plan has failed, they are playing out the rest of their moves. This is necessary to wake the people up and allow them to make a logically decision as the 2024 election approaches. Trump is already signaling that this will be a globalist defeat. Trump will have the people behind him and it will be the biggest red wave the world has ever seen.

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The climate report that the Biden administration continues to quote is flawed, it is not pier reviewed and doesn’t show the whole story. The [CB] and Biden administration is right on schedule with their narrative, they will continue to tell the people everything is ok until it all comes crashing down.

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The [DS] is now trying to push division, civil war which will bring us into WWIII. The narrative is now being built for zero-day. The [DS] is pushing a cyber attack by Iran that might hit the US infrastructure. The [DS] is projecting what they are about to do. As the 2024 election draws closer and the people see the true enemy the [DS] will need away of cheating in the election and if they cannot cheat they will need to postpone the election. This will fail, countermeasures are in place, and the people will accept in person election, paper ballots and one day counting.

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Biden admin is pushing the [WEF] by pushing the 30×30 plan. This will fail, the people are awake and will not accept it. Minimum wage increase, now fast food raises their prices, bandaid fix. IMF admits that inflation is here to stay. The Swiss prepare for bank runs.

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The green new deal is falling apart. Reports have been released that shows the EV market is propped up by the government and it costs more than a gas powered car. The earning report is in and many companies are in trouble. The inflation and GDP numbers were manipulated and the next quarter is going to show it. The Fed gold holdings is zero, gold will destroy the Fed. The [DS] played their Card and it failed before it began. They decided to have a mass shooting to push gun control, [KH] said the quiet part out loud, lets take the weapons. The Speaker was the target, the house controls the purse and can be used to investigate and block what the [DS] wants to do going into 2024. The final battle is coming and the patriots are prepared to win.

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The people are seeing the economy go down the tubes. As c that the economy is great people are going to see the lier. The Fed has been trapped into printing, the will have to print their way out of this, which will devalue the currency and destroy their system. The fake news, actors and the [DS] are now panicking, they realize that the people are on the side of Trump and more and more people are going to his side. The [DS]/[CB] have set us on the path to war and the people are panicking. The people are waking up and in the end they will reject war. Trump will continue talk about peace and the people will eventually agree with him and in the end he will have the people and the people will see the true enemy.

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The Biden admin is using bandaid fix to make it seem like they are improving the economy and fighting for the people, but they are not, removing junk fees will not fix anything. The people now realize that the government spends way to much, the only way to fix this is to get rid of the open ended credit card. The economy is headed for a depression.

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Climate scientist are now admitting that they overhyping the impact of global warming on wildfires. Climate change is a hoax, the climate always changes. The system is rapidly falling apart and Biden is right on schedule letting everyone know that the economy is strong. The [DS] is now ready to change things up, this is going exactly the way the patriots want. The change of batter is on deck and the patriots are ready to expose the truth. All roads lead to [BO]. The information is going to be dripped out and the fake news will either ignore it and when they can’t the platforms will be shutdown to hide the truth. In the end the [DS] will be brought to justice.

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The [DS]/[WEF] are now pushing the installed leaders to include climate change in their education system, this will fail.  The Fed cannot explain why we need to go to 2% inflation, can’t explain inflation. The system enslaves the people and the people are getting ready to break the chains. The people are now learning that the [DS] is involved in blackmail/bribes. The patriots have the source, they have it all, they are now showing the people the truth. Trump called Biden a Manchurian candidate, there is more than one and most likely this is leading to Obama in the end. The [DS] will start a war to cover up all their crimes, the patriots are counting on it.

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