Hosted By
Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy

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Thanks for tuning into this latest episode of high ly, h 2 H battle court recap. This recap is, recap number 8 for the fall, 2022 season.
At magic city front on. This is the recap and review for battle court highlight right before the fall. 2022 championship match on Friday, November 18th , 2022 at 7 PM in sunny miami.
And I'm your host garland del mclaughlin, also known as the consulting guy. And I have a great pre championship recap for you all today. Today's podcast is being presented by exquisite podcast,
radio, network, collateral key see. But of course, today's podcast sponsors are magic city fraud tone, head over to highlight world dot com. Check out all of the International action merchandise and player info on the fast this ball game on earth.
Also head over to watch highlight dot com bet rivers dot com. Join fantasy highlight dot com. Pick up your favorite coffee and tea brands. blends, excuse me,
at exquisite coffee and God shop and also head over to Google, google search pound sign. See g f T K for consulting guys, financial tool kit.
And with that, I'm going to take a short break and I'll be right back with the scores in iraq and re lucas sent in the fantasy high live report and the palo to pay out report.
So I'll have that for you for the polluted games. And magic city front on this past week, and we'll be right back. So stay tuned in right here.
***Commercial Break***
Welcome back to the highlight, each 2 age battle court recap. This is the pre championship recap for the fall season, 2022. And I have these scores leading up to the championship match.
That's going to be on Friday, November 18th , 2022 at 7 PM. So tune in the Watch highlight dot com. And I have the scores for November 11th the previous friday.
And we had the war warriors versus both the renegades, 6 matches were played. And in the 1st match we had in ocoee and coo bhalla versus gotcha.
And Ron ronnie nakeila caballo take the when in split set for split sets for the wall warriors 62164, and the 2nd match we have singles match nicholas of the wall warriors versus routes of durable theater.
And the gates rock faced the wind in split sets, 65, and 65 in the 3rd match we have brand, bradley versus c R B C R B takes the wind furthermore,
bowl taylor in the gates and split set 61 and 63 in the 4th match, we have cabala versus been been of the rebel been been of, there are both theater and the gauge takes the wind in straight said 65 and 64.
And the 5th match, we had lackey and Nicholas versus gotcha. And Ron ron knock in nicholas take the women streets at 60 and 6 to for the war war years.
In the 6 in the final match of the evening, we have wayne o and julian versus korea, korea and iraq take when in the 2nd and 3rd set 60 and 62.
And overall that gave the rubble tearing renegades 4 and a half point for evening. And the wall warriors are awarded 3 points. Moving along to monday, 5 PM.
On November 14th , 2022, we had the tool, the charges versus the wall warriors. And 6 matches were played in the 1st match. It was a singles match in spinner versus wayne with the wall warriors spinner.
The jeweler charges picks up the wind straits at $65.64. And the 2nd match. We have douglas versus the knocking knocking of the wall where your picks up the Wednesday,
3 and 61 in straight sets in the 3rd match, starting off with the doubles match action here. Hi ra when rock versus nicholas and bradley nicholas and bradley pick up the when in straight sets for the wall warriors 63 and 63 in the 4th match.
We had been e versus julian jewel and picks up the women split. Set 62164. In the 5th match we have high row and spinner versus enough d and coop.
I love the wall warriors and they pick up the when the in ocoee and cool bala pick up the when 64 and 63 in straight sets. In the 6 and final match of the evening.
We have flores and douglas versus nicholas and bradley, nicholas and bradley pick up the when 65 and 63 in St sets. And that gave the wall warriors a crushing when 6 and a half points to be truly charges.
One point on the evening and moving along for the last set of matches on the week, we have on Tuesday, November 15 , 2022. We have both data and renegades versus the set aside.
clones and 6 matches were played. In the 1st match, we have GoDaddy versus men who godaddy are both the renegades picks up the win in straight set 65,
and 63. And the 2nd match, we have corey and rocks versus williams in many of the sets the site clones, korea and iraq to pick up the when in straight sets,
65, and 61. And the 3rd match we have it starts off the singles met. Well, yeah, it's a singles match been versus jed in been picks up the when big then picks up the when 61 and 61 in straight sets.
And the 4th match we have ron ron vers, car bio, car bio of the says decide clones get them on the board, 64 and 64 in the 2nd and 3rd sets.
And the 5th match, we have korea and routes versus jet in a minute. korea and iraq pick up the when 64 and 62 for durable. D n A.
Gates. And in the 6 and final match of the evening, we have gotten wrong, ron of the boat to the gate versus kayla and many and GoDaddy and Ron ron,
pick up the when 61 and 63 in straight sets. And that gave the euro, both taylor and renegades, crushing when $66.00 and a half points to the says decide,
close one point. And that lines up everything here for the boat taylor and the gauge versus the says decide clones fall 2022 championship match. At 7 PM on Friday,
November 18th , 2022. And that left the standings here. The says decide close remain in 1st place. Got a voted, renegades are actually tied with the wall warriors and they have $49.00 and a half points.
So I suppose this match on the past tuesday that determined which team was going with squad was going to play the clones in the championship match on Friday. And so this says the psych loans have $53.00 points that are both renegades,
tired and 2nd, with the wall warriors with $49.00 and a half points. And the truly chargers are technically in 3rd place with 20 and a half points.
But after the championship match, that will determine who will be in 4th place. There won't be a 2nd, please tie. So with that, we're gonna move right along here to the report here.
And rock and re loose sca sent in the report for the hello to payouts and with the championship match. That's coming up here and there was no contests for fantasy hi lie for the past week.
And well, you'll have to wait in until next year to put in your picks. But you can go ahead and go over to fantasy highlight dot com and join today.
It's free and you know, next year maybe you might be a lucky winner of the $100.00. weekly price given weekly. And last week's winner was k d.
In k d. pate, 16 out of 18 matches correctly the season winner. The season winners. No surprise. I miss rodriguez with 449 correct pix to 36 weeks,
and that's amazing. Congratulations to the season winner. I miss are august for fantasy highlight. And on, on the last, on last week, andrew andrew blackman,
the announcer, he thanked all of the all of the players and looks forward to next year's fantasy highlight contests. So, you know, if you're participating,
watch out for emails that will be coming in the next few weeks. You know, with the details on how to register for next season and moving along to the magic city,
police pale results. I'm going to start off here for the results for Monday. The monday I met in the game. November 14th 2022. When in the 1st game was a single game up to 7 points.
The winning combination. 86486 for the quinoa paid out. 49. $4049.00. $0.40 exact. 86134. 100. $34.00 and the tri, at the 8th is 864,
paid out for $73473.86,
c R B, 6, jeden, and 4 flores in the 2nd game. singles, game, early, daily, double paid, $42.00. 3rd game,
huge pay off $96.00 for a winning number 6. The cater. And in the 4th game for the game. singles, game. winning combination. 8178.
17 nicholas spinner way. No. $17.00, the quinn le paid out $39.80 exact. $63.60, and the Dr. fed 817, paid out a whopping $1155.20.
And the early pick, 3268, paid out $501501.60.
And the 5th game was doubles, game doubles, game winning combination, 761 juice, juicing, ga, ga, ga, ga, 86, and look any kato and one c R B in ron ron.
The quin l A paid out $79.00 the exact that paid out a $129.20 and the trifecta 761 paid $716.20 in the 7th game doubles game.
jackport 5, jack pop 56871868718,
paid out $22.10 per $244.00 carries over in the 8th game. 18 singles game for 5 to kita in kate. Excuse me. In ocoee, kate, and go charity for 5 to the cornell,
a paid out $46.60 the exact that $200.60 and the tri set. The $522.22 the late pick.
3, take 3184, paid out $204.00. The mighty oh, show might be 082687184,
paid out. $20.80. And for Tuesday, tuesday moving along to tuesday. We have in the 1st game, singles game winner for 8, been paid 99 dollars,
and the 2nd game, c, R B flores and, and look 853853, c, R B flores, and love the quinn, eller paid out.
$90.60 exact $65.00 in the early daily, double $32.80. Moving along to the 4th game and the 4th game, 536, jewel and binnie indicator 536. julian,
benny and kate. Queen ela paid out $45.00 exact paid $47.20. trifecta paid $959.00 and the early pick 3825, paid out $394.40 in the 5th again,
5th, game, winning combination, $8585.00 l. barber and spinner. To and are lucky. Any key, the 5 jed in and car bio the quinn.
ello paid out $46.20 exact. The paid out $1260.20.
And the try that day to $5827.60 in the 7th game,
17. Hi, 5. jackpot is a carryover of $593.00 in the 8th.
Again, 253253 jewel and benny and Matthew, 253 winning combination, cornell paid out $90.00, exact paid out a $103.40 to try. fact paid out. $443.20.
Delete. Pick 3312, paid out $256.20. And for the mighty oh show there is a carry over of $1200.00 and $1252.00. And for the final set of results for Wednesday,
november 16 , 2022. And the 1st again, we have a winning combination. 321321 l bar, both flores and cool fitness 321. The quinn ela,
paid out $33.80 the exact $82.00. The tri fact is $601.00. In the 2nd game, we have a winning combination, 315315 jet in El barbara, and deluxe 315.
When ela paid out $22.60 exact, the $48.20, and the early daily double paid out $137.60 and for the forced game for the game.
singles, game, winning combinations. 637637, spinner, car, bio, and benny 637. When ella paid out $39.60 exact, the paid out $96.20.
The trifecta paid out $497.20.
And for the early pick, 3 winning combination, 316, paid out $345.20 and moving along to the 7th game.
7th game. Hi 5 jack part carrying over $792.00 and for the game and final game of the week. winning combination, one, cherry paid out $6.80 and for the late pick 3211.
I paid out $131.80, and for the mighty oh so there is a carry over of $1274.00 and that will do it for the fantasy.
Hi ally. Congratulations on seeing when I miss the rog is and for the payout results hello to pay out results for this past week. And that'll do it here for battle.
court highlight recap here on the exclusive podcast. radio network host gollindo, middle off, and also known as the consulting guy. And this, they tuned in,
in tune, in tune into night 7 PM for the battle court championships. Go to watch highlight dot com. And you'll be able to view all the action on the boat or any gauge versus the set aside clones for the fall.
2022 championship match for battle court. Hi ly have a great weekend everyone.