online podcast (5)
Episode 130
Garland L. McLaughlin
aka Consulting Guy
The King is now telling the world that we must following the [WEF], the people are not going to follow. The system is being destroyed by the [CB]/[WEF] and it is being exposed at the same time. Why interfere with the [DS] players, let the people see it all. The [DS] will continue to indict Trump, when they realize that his base continues to grow they might try to put him jail, this is a possibility. Trump has let us know the way forward, more indictments the more powerful he gets and the more people will follow and vote for him. That is his strategy, to get the people behind them by suing the [DS]. The key is the election, he wants to show the [DS] that he and the people are in control, the election setup is complete, Trump and the military prepared their part, now the people must do theirs. Trump says that soon it will our turn.
Episode 35
Hosted By Reverend Gloria H. McLaughlin
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