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The King is now telling the world that we must following the [WEF], the people are not going to follow. The system is being destroyed by the [CB]/[WEF] and it is being exposed at the same time. Why interfere with the [DS] players, let the people see it all. The [DS] will continue to indict Trump, when they realize that his base continues to grow they might try to put him jail, this is a possibility. Trump has let us know the way forward, more indictments the more powerful he gets and the more people will follow and vote for him. That is his strategy, to get the people behind them by suing the [DS]. The key is the election, he wants to show the [DS] that he and the people are in control, the election setup is complete, Trump and the military prepared their part, now the people must do theirs. Trump says that soon it will our turn.

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Podcast 128

Hosted By Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy

WIth Guest Scott Savin

World Jai-Alai League Chief Operations Officer




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The people can now see clearly that the green new deal is the opposite of what they are trying to do. They are cutting down 16 million trees to put windmills up. The recession is here and its going to get worse. The [CB] is showing the people step by step on how they will destroy their lives. The [DS] has deployed all assets, they are going to continue to indict him leading up to the elections, they might arrest him. They want him to bend a knee but he won’t. The [DS] is being brought down a path and the path is war, Trump know they will try to manipulate the elections for postpone them most likely with a cyber attack, this will allow the military to be activated and they military will guard the elections. The peace maker will win over the people.

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Episode 127

Hosted by Garland L. McLaughlin aka Consulting Guy

Political and Decentralized Finance Update




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The [DS] is panicking, their MS13 gangs are being shutdown, crimes against children is now being exposed and the [DS] realizes they have lost the narrative and they need to get it back. They are making a move against Twitter to destroy it so the people move to Threads, this will fail. Once the information war is lost the [DS] will shutdown comms and the EU already signaled this. Communication blackout is coming. The patriots are prepared, this is not just another 4 year election, it’s about destroying the [DS] system.

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Ep 3110 A + B

Germany has halted the passage of the left agenda.Biden is moving forward with windmill farms in NJ, this will fail. EVs on average need to reach ~60-70k miles before you see a benefit. The American now say the economy is not doing well.

Ep 3110a – The Economic Propaganda Has Failed, The Economic Awakening Has Begun



The [DS] is no longer in power. The strings have been cut. Trump and the patriots are now hunting the [DS] players. From the very beginning Trump set a plan in motion, he put the pieces together to trap the [DS] and expose them to the people so the people would be able to see the infiltration. Once the people see it and live the people will fight to take back this country.

 Ep 3110b – Those In Power No Longer Pull The Strings, Hunters Become The Hunted: 



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